Tycoon Talk is a landmark new business and lifestyle show produced and hosted by Sean Lee-Davies for TVB Pearl. Celebrating the dynamism of HK’s people, the programme will spotlight and interview eight of the city’s greatest business leaders and entrepreneurs, who have truly transformed and led their respective industries and shaped the business landscape.

In order to strengthen the interaction with audience, the posts on different social media platforms will be shown on this page. Welcome all Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube users to share your thoughts related to the programme. Your posts will be shown once they are being selected.

《Tycoon Talk》由著名影視製作人戴尚安執導及主持,走訪香港八位重量級商界領袖及企業家,剖析其成功之道,並且走進他們的辦公室及居所,暢談他們的工作理念、家庭觀、人生觀,及對香港未來的看法。
